The End

It is coming
The day when an experience will count,
Another disappointment will haunt
Faith will be doubtful
And a falsification of eternity will emerge
But the truth will be there…
The love we shared
The sheer happiness it brought
The memories we made
It will be there.
The day is coming,
The day when you will leave me.
The process has begun.
The pain of sheer ignorance often impede breathing,
A surreal numbness has already covered the melancholy
I have began to think what went wrong… Again…

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Les idéologies

Ces ismes de la pensée Séismes du je sais Des schismes à l’unité Ces hymnes animées de certitude…
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Rechute: selon Larousse, reprise évolutive d’une maladie qui était en voie de guérison, mais encore action de retomber…